Vae Victus

Vae Victus

Novel , 2015

La Campana

New adventures of Martí Zuviría

After the episode featuring the epic fall of Barcelona in 1714, recounted in the memorable novel Victus, military engineer Martí Zuviría was obviously destined to a long life full of outrageous adventures.

His eventful existence takes him to South Carolina in 1715, where he finds himself in the middle of a conflict between British colonists and Yama Indians. He meets face-to-face with a real historical figure, the great chief Caesar. His next destination is another conflict, this time back in Spain, where he fights along with his friend and recent enemy, the Duke of Berwick, in the French-Spanish War of 1719. We encounter him again 24 years later, living comfortably at the service of Frederick II, until a delayed revenge takes him back to Barcelona and an unexpected reunion. Finally, in 1768, Martí’s troublesome personality prompts him to set sail on a ship commanded by none other than Captain Cook.


These four episodes allow us to reconnect with a unique narrative voice, so we can be moved by it all over again.