Memoria de la inocente niña homicida

Memoria de la inocente niña homicida / Memoirs of an Innocent Child Murderess

Novel , 2012

Ed. Pre-Textos

Ciudad de Barbastro Novella Award

To all appearances, Elena is a normal teenager. Born and raised in a small, claustrophobic village, she is delighted to make the move to Madrid to pursue her university studies. However, not even her new surroundings, far from parents who have never loved her, allow her to put behind her the event that looms over her childhood: the disappearance of her one and only friend, just after she had given her a black doll. A solitary childhood and a dread of dolls force her to face the world from a singular, merciless standpoint.


Written in a straightforward, direct style, combining a tender touch with dark humour, the author astounds the reader with this tale of a serial killer without a shred of malice.