A la pintura: poema del color y la línea

A la pintura: poema del color y la línea / To Painting

Poetry , 1945

Alianza Editorial

Each poem in this book is inspired by one of three different elements of painting: poems about color take the form of numbered lists, each item of which names a use to which a certain painter has put the particular color, a specific shade taken by the color in painting or in nature, or an association the poet has with the color; poems dedicated to the various tools a painter uses are written as traditional sonnets; and poems dedicated to painters imitate the style of the painter being addressed. ("Giotto" is written as a medieval lauda, while "Picasso" –a tribute to Alberti's longtime friend and the painter to whom he dedicates this book– is free-form, with words spaced over the page in an unconventional manner.)