New Titles



Essays, PLAZA & JANÉS (January 2019)

Cabré's reflections on reading, writing, music and art gathered in a single volume.

Jaume Cabré conceives literature as a search. Throughout the years, this search has been generating doubts in him, testing him and even setting traps for him. From the knowledge of someone who has been giving answers and solutions to the creative process for decades, Cabré has written three testimonial and theoretical texts that are a treasure for any lover of literature and art. They are texts written with the complicity of those who recognize themselves, above all, as a reader, as a listener, as a spectator. The volume gathers three previous books by Jaume Cabré: The Meaning of Fiction, The Matter of the Spirit and Uncertainties, is preceded by a prologue by the scholar Sam Abrams, and incorporates an onomastic index and a thematic index.