
Clarice Lispector copyright Vicente de Mello


The Hour of Clarice

The Hour of the Star (A Hora da Estrela) is one of the most beautiful books ever written, and in 2017 we celebrate the 40th anniversary of its publication. The book was published in 1977, shortly before Clarice Lispector's death. The international event ‘The Hour of Clarice’ is back, more special than ever.  On December 10, publishers from around the world pay tribute to one of the most sensitive writers in the history of literature with readings, performances and exhibitions.

“Between the “yes” and the “no” there is only one way: choosing.
Angela chose “yes”.
She is so free that one day she’ll end up in jail.
In jail for what?
For excessive freedom.
But isn’t that freedom innocent?
Yes. Even naive.
So why in prison?
Because freedom offends”.

Clarice Lispector – A Breath of Life (Um sopro da vida)


2020, 100th Anniversary of Clarice Lispector's birthday