Palma de Mallorca, España, 1948

Carme Riera, who holds a Chair at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), is one of the Catalan authors most highly regarded by the critics and best loved by her readers. She studied Philosophy and Literature and obtained a Doctorate in Hispanic Philology, with Premio Extraordinario from the UAB. She first came to public notice in 1975 with Te deix, amor, la mar com a penyora, a book of short stories that has not been out of print since then. Her work has been translated into many languages, and has won the most important prizes for Catalan literature. As a researcher and essayist, she specialises in the Barcelona School. In 2001, she was awarded the Premio Nacional de Cultura, and in 2012 was elected member of the Real Academia Española. Since 2002, she has held the José Agustín Goytisolo Chair of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

  • “Author of a multifaceted work with universal impact.” Jury of Spain’s National Prize for Literature
  • “One of our greatest swords, that’s Carme Riera, a storyteller of consequence. Book by book, she’s built one of the most solid careers in our literature.” La Vanguardia
  • “Nimbly and with admirable mastery, Carme Riera catches memorable characters like some people catch beetles to stick in a box with pins.” El País


The secrets of a diva. A life of success and fame marked by a childhood trauma. 

After losing her voice and surviving a heart attack, the world-famous soprano Barbara Simpson decides to take a break and review some unresolved issues in her life, with the help of her mother's diaries.

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Biography / Memoirs


The secrets of a diva. A life of success and fame marked by a childhood trauma. 

After losing her voice and surviving a heart attack, the world-famous soprano Barbara Simpson decides to take a break and review some unresolved issues in her life, with the help of her mother's diaries.

It all started on those tours when she was a child, with her parents, who were blues musicians. Proud of their African American origins, they instilled in her an early vocation for music and a capacity for sacrifice that would lead Barbara to a world-famous career. However, the public applause has not silenced the echo of humiliation and shame provoked by a traumatic episode in her childhood. Something that happened in Mallorca, where she moved when she was just eight years old to receive lessons from a famous singer.

Barbara has to return to that remote island to finally face up to an emotional trauma that she has kept buried for far too long. 

“There are books that mark peaks in one's career, and this is one of them. [...] The most complex, interesting, and rounded of Carme Riera's recent books.” La Vanguardia 

“A magnificent novel that has the virtue of making one think, feel, and dream, three things that are hard to find in a single work.” Ara Llibres 

“The return of an author who knows how to weave a novel so that it grows with each page, regardless of the multiplicity of voices, [...] allowing the narration to mature as its foundations are questioned, being aware that her characters, like those of flesh and blood, do not always tell the truth.” The New Barcelona Post 

“[A] complex narrative structure in the service of a plot that has become a clockwork piece integrating different components masterfully managed. [...] Only an author with Carme Riera's experience can firmly sustain and successfully navigate a storyline where the most intense racial and sexual prejudices are also addressed from the perspectives of conflicting cultures. [...] Among the best that Carme Riera has written.” ABC

A return to the crime genre by Carme Riera, winner of Spain’s National Literature Prize and member of the Royal Spanish Academy

Private detective Helena Martínez is charged with investigating the disappearance of Catalan businessman Robert Solivellas. The year is 2004, and easy money and corruption are all the rage in Spain. But under this dark sea runs an even more sinister river: the total degradation of people shielded by economic and political power, who believe they can act with total impunity.

After Natura quasi morta (Almost Still Life), Carme Riera is back with another crime novel. This thriller combines all the key elements of the genre with the author’s characteristic mastery, irony and social criticism.

BBVA Sant Joan Prize of Catalan Literature 2016

The imagined confessions of the free-thinking, free-loving, freewheeling Hapsburg scion who adopted Majorca as his home

More than a hundred years after his death, Archduke Ludwig Salvator remains a legend in the Balearic Islands. Colourful anecdotes circulate about his slovenly appearance, how he loved to be mistaken for his servants, and how he didn’t allow a single tree to be chopped down on his properties. Many still praise his simplicity, his ecological preservationist tendencies, and his patronage of the arts. “Carme Riera”—the narrator—is more driven to find the Archduke’s hidden side, which she hopes is contained in his suppressed correspondence with his lovers of both sexes.

This captivating book tells the story of her discovery of the dictated last wishes of a man who lived according to his desires and loved without prejudice. Told in two distinct styles delimited by their forms, the first part unfolds not unlike a detective novel, seamlessly fusing fact and fiction, while the erudite and worldly Archduke’s confessions reveal an engrossing take on a fascinating historical figure and his time, as he unburdens his conscience and tries to justify his moral choices in the face of posterity.

"For some biographers, his nomadic lifestyle was most notable; for others, his unbridled sexuality; for yet others, it was his interest in science. There are those who considered him a proto-hippy, and even the perfect freeloader, despite his ability to work for more than ten hours straight. I understood him, above all, as a free man who was lucky to be able to live according to his desires and love without prejudice...”

"In the book there’s no making up any of Ludwig of Habsburgs’ actions, but what we can find is an interpretation of the how and why of those actions. All this, forges the electric story of a man that decides to decipher, at last, all his secrets and mysteries before dying." –Carlos Sala, La Vanguardia

"Les Darreres Paraules is also a book about the old age. The closeness of death is one of the most important drives that can be found in this long confession."     "We are talking, then, about a counter-clock confession in words of a man that knows he’s dying and has very little time left to reveal all the truth." –Bernat Puigtobella

Carme Riera portrays the lost island of her childhood.

Told through the eyes of a young girl beginning to discover the world, Age of Innocence recreates a paradise lost, a Mallorca childhood in the bosom of a bourgeois family. A world filled with magic and innocence, dreams and aromas, games and songs, friends, illustrious visitors, trades and tradition; but also a sealed-off world, backward and rural, the world of Palma de Mallorca in the 50’s and 60’s, where discipline, guilt and prohibitions rule.

21st of November 2008: The disappearance of a Romanian student in the Autonomous University of Barcelona. It is during the Anti-Bologna strike when the first alarm that something strange is happening on campus. Overnight, Constantinu Iliescu has escaped, literally. Police officers, teachers and students will coordinate efforts to find a reliable track. But soon a new disappearance triggers a terrible nightmare. Just like in a macabre game, the victims and the suspects multiply, by testing the tracing of those involved. Nothing is what it seems.

Natura quasi morta is an astute and brilliant novel of intrigue, which grips us from the first page. With immediate and contemporary characters, sophisticated crimes and everyday settings which the author knows at first hand, Carme Rieara successfully maintains the suspense with just the right dose of irony and reality.

Natura quasi morta (Almost Still Life) is in fact a mix of detective and campus fiction set in a very contemporary European university context familiar to the author, with a significant amount of social criticism thrown in, especially of university staff and students. Loosely based on the true case of a French Erasmus student who disappeared from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where Riera herself is professor of Spanish Literature, the style of the book owes a debt to other detective-story writers from Spain such as Manuel Vázquez Montalbán and Andreu Martín, and international writers such as Donna Leon and the Scandinavians [...] “ Judith Willies

¿Qué tipo de gente somos? ¿Cómo nos ven ahora desde afuera? A partir de la experiencia del periodista americano George Mac Gregor, Carme Riera construye un relato fresco, actual y divertido sobre la sociedad catalana. Hace pocos años George Mac Gregor se topó por azar con un cortejo del alcalde de Barcelona que se había desplazado a Nueva York para promover las virtudes de la capital catalana. Gracias a las habilidades del periodista, la delegación catalana consiguió salvar una situación delicada, cosa que le valió la promesa de una beca para hacer una estancia en Cataluña. Su mirada perpleja marcará un relato que va de la ironía crítica a un final más oscuro y sórdido de trama policiaca y trasfondo de corrupción.

In her novel, L'estiu de l'anglès (The Summer of the Englishman), Carme Riera involves us in an intrigue written in a humorous tone—the same that she employs in Contra l'amor en companyia (Against Love in Company, 1991), another story collection. Here the protagonist is a secretary who wants to learn English during her vacation, but the unsettling episode she experiences in England will change her for the rest of her life.

In La meitat de l’ànima (Half the Soul, 2004), the circumstances of post-war, Franquist Barcelona, the precarious situation of the Republicans exiled in France, and the armed resistance of anarchist groups who never accepted defeat in the Civil War are the principle historical elements with which Carme Riera encloses the fictional story; these are very relevant to developing the intrigue surrounding the narrator-heroine’s search for identity.



Cap al cel obert (To the Open Sky), told in a serial novel style, to some extent continues the story of the descendents of those executed Jews of Riera's novel In the Last Blue. The recreation of the colonial conflict in Cuba in the second half of the nineteenth century, which serves as a background for the drama, gives rise to a political reflection on the national question. 

Winner of the Josep Pla Award 1994

During the Spanish Inquisition on the island of Majorca, a small enclave of local Jews –all of whom have been baptized as Christians– determine to escape detention in the Inquisition by escaping to lands of freedom across the Atlantic. But weather frustrates their flight, and eventually thirty-seven of them were captured and condemned to burn at the stake in the Auto-de-Fe. In prose at once lyrical and suspenseful, Riera recreates the lives of Majorcan Jews in the seventeenth century –in a world of inquisitors, aristocrats, merchants, farmers, and soldiers– in a lush mosaic of history and period detail, religion and cultural lore. Already acclaimed around the world, In the Last Blue is at once a beautiful, poetic, riveting, and devastating tale of hope and fear.

In the Last Blue is a well-crafted and tightly constructed novel against the horrors of intolerance.” El País

In the Last Blue is an excellent novel that will allow the literary lover to discover a vein of pleasure... When a reader can hardly lift their eyes from a novel, captivated by the unfolding of a dense plot, hooked on the exquisite distillation of its intrigue, and eager to reach the desired ending, there is little else to do but bow to its author.” Heraldo de Aragón

In the Last Blue stands among the best novels: for its ambition, for its linguistic rigour and richness, for the skill in balancing invention and tradition, and for providing a contemporary thought to a historical novel without losing its period flavour.” El Mundo

“With lightness and admirable skill, Carme Riera captures memorable characters as one might catch beetles to pin them inside a box.” El País

“When the issue of identities that kill and hatred towards the other did not occupy the pages of newspapers, the Mallorcan author explored historical nightmares caused by intolerance with In the Last Blue.” Ara

Teresa Mascaró desea conocer personalmente a un famoso escritor sudamericano llamado Pablo Corbalán, y puesto que este pasa unos días en Barcelona, aprovecha para entrevistarlo en un hotel. En la vida de Corbalán parece que hay un misterio, y la compleja indagación de este enigma nos traerá a Itálica, país imaginario del otro lado del Atlántico, donde una dictadura militar ha creado situaciones trágicas y peculiares que contribuyen a ocultar la verdad y que, después de un laberíntico proceso de investigaciones y errores, acaba sorprendiendo el lector. El relato, de gran sutileza y magistralmente escrito, con un gran dominio de los matices y paradojas de este extraño mundo de falsas apariencias interesadas, confirma el gran talento narrativo de la autora.

Ángela, una mujer a punto de pasar la frontera de los cincuenta, se confiesa culpable de haber caído en la trampa tejida por su propia fragilidad. Al regusto amargo, mezcla de sentimiento de ridículo y de chasco, se une la pauta de una reflexión lúcida sobre un episodio amoroso vivido con precipitación apasionada, alimentada, únicamente, por palabras tiernas y halagos envueltos en papel de celofán. Ahora, heridos tanto ella como el amante por aquello que consideran una "cuestión de amor propio", se ven abocados a un juego agrio, con intercambio de golpes bajos, en que la personalidad de los dos se pone en evidencia.

La periodista Isabel Clara Alabern viaja a Florencia para seguir el juicio de un misterioso crimen perpetrado sobre la Alegoría de la Primavera de Botticelli. El acusado, Doménico Guarini, parece un desequilibrado y los motivos que lo han llevado a atentar contra el cuadro no quedan demasiado claros. En un momento complicado de la vida de  Isabel Clara, el regreso a una tierra con la que tiene muchos vínculos, y también con el cuadro en cuestión, le resulta muy interesante. Mientras escribe artículos sobre el juicio, iremos descubriendo los acontecimientos de su vida y los cambios interiores que le traerá este viaje, más importante para ella que el hecho de cubrir un acontecimiento periodístico.

Short stories and novellas

The Little Mermaid classic tale seen in the light of the 21st Century.

After many years of silence, the Andersen’s legendary Little Mermaid speaks. She is a creature with soft skin and shiny scales that changed her tail for some beautiful legs to win the prince’s favour . That is what the story is about, but there is something else…. A detail that many overlooked: the Little Mermaid, to turn into a woman, had to give up her voice, and that left her speechless, without words for love, rage or pain. Now Carme Riera gives the Little Mermaid her voice back so she can tell the truth to the nowadays women, and also to those who that do not dare to speak and have ended up far away from the sea.



Reúne un total de diecinueve cuentos datados entre 1983 y 1990. Cómo ya es habitual en la autora —sobre todo en sus libros inmediatamente anteriores— los personajes de las historias que nos explica son gente relacionada con el mundo de la literatura. Un subterfugio que permite a Carme Riera jugar con los sobreentendidos, guiñar el ojo a los colegas, destillar algunas gotitas de veneno... y dibujar al lector un retrato de la gente del gremio y cercanías que, queriendo tal vez ser esperpéntico, genera la mayoría de veces una imagen que oscila entre el cretinismo y la pedantería.

Es una compilación de cuentos de cariz humorístico y tema erótico, pretendidamente intrascendentes y lúdicos. Un prólogo, firmado por Aina María Sureda,  sirve de marco y cohesiona los siete cuentos que reúne el volumen. Trabajar el lenguaje erótico, afirma la autora, es entrar en un terreno virgen: los términos usuales empleados por mucha de la literatura erótica no tienen mucho interés, se reducen a un tipo de vocabulario clínico o grosero, nada sugestivo. Epitelios tiernísimos es un intento de acercarse al lenguaje del placer y de poner la imaginación al servicio de los sentidos.

Éste es uno de los dos libros de relatos con los que Carme Riera se dio a conocer y con los cuales obtuvo un éxito notable entre los lectores: Te deix, amor, la mar com a penyora (1975) y Jo pos por testimoni las gavines (1977), publicados originalmente por Editorial Laia. Estos dos libros conforman la primera etapa de la escritora como narradora, en la que se combinan a la perfección sus valores testimoniales, subversivos y de denuncia, con una clara vocación poética.

The first collection of stories with which Carme Riera became known in 1975. The contrast between the Majorcan world and her Barcelona experience is the axis on which her first two story collections revolve: Te deix, amor, la mar com a penyora (I Give You, Love, the Sea as Pledge; 1975) and Jo pos per testimoni les gavines (I Take the Seagulls as My Witness, 1977), which formed the writer's first period.

“One of the best novellas I know.” ABC


“When no one was talking about the intimate and poetic self, Carme Riera elevated the level of entire generations of readers with her beautiful Te deix, amor, la mar com a penyora.Ara


Carmen Balcells fue mucho más que una agente, fue un mito. Una combinación afortunada de talento, inteligencia y ambición la convirtió en un referente internacional de la literatura en lengua española.

Para escribir su biografía, Carme Riera, que la trató durante casi cuarenta años, ha tenido acceso al archivo de la agencia y ha entrevistado a familiares, amigos, autores, editores y agentes. El resultado es el brillante retrato de una figura querida y temida, poderosa y polémica, que reunió un catálogo asombroso de autores y ocupa un lugar esencial en la cultura hispánica de los últimos setenta años.

«Con Balcells ganó siempre la literatura.» Miquel de Palol

El Quijote desde el nacionalismo catalán, en torno al Tercer Centenario recoge el discurso leído por Carme Riera a raíz de su ingreso en la Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona. El ensayo indaga en el significado político del Quijote en tiempos del tercer centenario de su publicación, hace un siglo. En la España de entre finales del XIX y comienzos del XX, los intelectuales erigieron al Quijote como símbolo del enfrentamiento entre Cataluña y España. Completan el libro múltiples ilustraciones caricaturescas extraídas de la prensa catalana de entonces.

Biography / Memoirs

The intimate testimony of a pregnant woman, a global reflection on motherhood and the female condition.

An uncommon contribution, far from romantic and sugary clichés of the experience of pregnancy and motherhood in all its dimensions, from the most personal to the social, with the sensitivity of a great writer.

Temps d’una espera is the diary that the author wrote more than thirty-five years ago when she found out she was pregnant for the second time. From this thread, we learn about the thoughts, sensations, and feelings that, day after day, emanate from a woman expecting a child. A woman who claims motherhood as an intrinsic condition of women, and who, far from romanticisms, explores the experience of pregnancy as a consciously lived experience, assumed with intelligence.

“Long before the narrative shelves were filled with a topic as overlooked by male hegemony as motherhood, Riera published Temps d’una espera.” Ara

Books for children and young readers

Illustrated by Silja Goetz.

Arms to caress or wings to fly? The protagonist of this story is a curious young mermaid with wings instead of a tail. After years of living in seclusion on an island paradise, ruled solely by a female authority, she decides to run away and see the world. The adventure takes her to places never seen before by mermaids and to discover humans...

In this recreation that is as contemporary as it is personal, Carme Riera is once again inspired by a mythical figure as a pretext for exploring the multiple forms, implications and contradictions of women's sensuality and desire. 

“The Catalan author explores the sensuality of women in all its forms and contradictions, enhanced by the illustrations by Silja Goetz that turn it into a beautiful book. A fortunate foray into the fantasy genre by one of our most renowned storytellers.” La Vanguardia

El perro Mágico tenía una cola larguísima que le crecía sin cesar. Su cola era tan larga que en el pueblo todo el mundo sabía sacar provecho. Pero un día, usando la cola para salvar la vida a una niña que había caído dentro de un pozo, ¡Mágico la perdió! A pesar de todo, se convirtió en un héroe y en el personaje más admirado del pueblo.

Libro que acerca la realidad de la vida de Ramón Llull al mundo infantil.

Anthology / Selection

Epitelios tiernísimos (1981) agrupa siete cuentos de tono humorístico y tema erótico, pretendidamente intrascendentes; unos relatos lúdicos, llenos de ironía sobre el placer y el universo de los sentidos. Los diecinueve cuentos de Contra l’amor en companyia i altres relats (1991), en cambio, se articulan alrededor del placer de la escritura o la lectura:  escritores de pacotilla, amantes de las letras mistificadores, falseadores, tramoyistas, soñadores o cínicos, sus protagonistas,  intentan vivir la vida que creen que se merecen, y no siempre es como ellos pensaban...

Es posible que los orígenes de las canciones de cuna sean casi tan remotos como los de la humanidad. Y no es difícil imaginar, hace miles de millones de años, cualquiera de nuestras antepasadas en una cueva o en un palafito, en cuclillas, columpiando su niño con la dulzura de sus sonidos, después de descubrir que vaivén y rumor eran, juntos, más que efectivos para convocar el sueño y alejar los malos espíritus. Con estas Canciones de cuna, Carme Riera nos invita a hacer un recorrido por la historia de nuestra poesía en lengua catalana. Fruto de una investigación exhaustiva, esta antología reúne por primera vez una muestra amplia de canciones de cuna no sólo tradicionales y anónimas sino firmadas por sus autores, algunos de muy jóvenes. Un viaje sorpresivo y emocionando en que encontraremos las mejores canciones de cuna de nuestra tradición oral. En colaboración con Teresa Centelles.

La antología más exhaustiva y completa jamás editada desde que en 1882 Francisco Rodríguez Marín recogiera canciones de cuna del acervo popular en sus Cantos populares españoles. La lectura que nos propone Carme Riera en este magnífico volumen es, en definitiva, un nuevo recorrido por la historia de la poesía española a la luz de las nanas, un viaje que no dejará de sorprendernos y de emocionarnos.

Reunida un sólo volumen, esta obra pretende rendir homenaje a un poeta “maltratado por el tiempo” en el marco del décimo aniversario de su muerte. Edición, Notas y Prólogo de Carmen Riera, junto con Ramón García Mateos.

Los inquilinos del hotel de los cuentos esconden perversiones íntimas e inconfesables. Así ocurre con la célebre poetisa, víctima de una pasión no correspondida, o con la mujer que se enciende al escuchar una voz masculina en un cruce telefónico; o el caso del botánico inglés, consagrado a un placer ignominioso, y el de la aristócrata que abandona a sus dos nobles amantes -un vizconde y su hijo- por otro más airoso.

En las páginas de estos relatos lúdicos, rebosantes de humor e ironía, palpitan dos pulsiones: el placer y la escritura. El primero pertenece a aquellos que dejan volar su imaginación al servicio de los sentidos. La segunda, a quienes se ven presos de sus propios demonios. Una brillante antología de cuentos realizada por la propia autora. 

José Agustín Goytisolo es uno de los mejores poetas de la Generación del Cincuenta y uno de los más populares y leídos de todo el siglo. Carme Riera ha seleccionado cronológicamente los mejores poemas y ha establecido el canon de José Agustín Goytisolo, una tarea que la muerte del poeta impuso como inevitable y perentoria.

Aunque la selección y el prólogo corren a cargo del filólogo Carles Cortés, la escritora mallorquina escogió el título de una narración de 2001 para unificar el volumen de esta antología de cuentos propios.

La muerte de José Agustín Goytisolo no hizo sino consolidar y acrecentar su prestigio como uno de los mejores poetas de la Generación del Cincuenta y también como uno de los más populares y leídos de todo el siglo. Poemas como Palabras para Julia o El lobito bueno forman parte ya del acervo común y son patrimonio histórico de varias generaciones. Carme Riera, especialista en la obra de Goytisolo, ha preparado una antología definitiva de la vasta obra poética del poeta catalán. 

Other genres

Este libro, editado para conmemorar el octogésimo aniversario del Hotel Formentor, recuerda el origen del establecimiento y su desarrollo posterior por parte de la familia Buadas y el grupo Barceló. Un valioso documento escrito por Carme Riera que recoge un extenso archivo fotográfico. Un libro que defiende el concepto de formentarización hacia el de balearización y enaltece un modelo de hotel que ha significado la protección territorial norteña de la Sierra de Tramuntana.

Un repaso de los cementerios de Barcelona, con fotografías de Pilar Aymerich y Colita: Cementiri de l'Est; Cementiri de Sant Gervasi; Cementiri d'Horta; Cementiri de Sarrià; Cementiri de Sant Andreu; Cementiri de Sants; Cementiri de Les Corts; Cementiri del Sud-Oest (Montjuïc); y Cementiri del Nord.


  • 2024 - José Luis Sampedro Award
  • 2021 -1st Prize La Razón Elio Antonio de Nebrija in defence of the Spanish language
  • 2019 - Atlántida Prize from Gremi d'Editors de Catalunya
  • 2017 - Gold Medal of the Autonomous Government of the Balearic Islands
  • 2016 - Sant Joan Prize of the Catalan Literature for Les darreres paraules
  • 2015 - Spanish National Literature Prize 
  • 2014 - Catalan Book Week Lifetime Achievement Award
  • 2012 - Elected Member of the Real Academia Española, where she occupies the lower-case “n” chair
  • 2012 - José Luís Giménez Frontín Prize, awarded by the ACEC
  • 2005 - Jaume Fuster Prize from the Catalan Writers Association 
  • 2005 - Gold Medal from the Majorca Council
  • 2004 - Rosalía de Castro Prize, awarded by the PEN Club
  • 2003 - Sant Jordi Prize for La meitat de l’ànima
  • 2002 - Ramon Llull Prize 
  • 2001 - Spanish National Culture Prize, in the literature category
  • 2001 - Serra d’Or Prize for Cap al cel obert
  • 2000 - Creu de Sant Jordi Award
  • 2000 - Vittorini Prize allo scrittore straniero tradotto for Dins el darrer blau
  • 1995 - Lletra d’Or Award from the critics, for the best book of the year to Dins el darrer blau
  • 1995 - Crexells Prize
  • 1995 - Spanish National Literature Prize for Dins el darrer blau, the first time the prize was awarded for a novel in Catalan
  • 1994 - Pla Novela Prize for Dins el darrer blau
  • 1989 -  Ramón Llull Prize for Joc de miralls
  • 1988 - Essay Prize by Editorial Anagrama publishing house for La escuela de Barcelona
  • 1982 - María Espinosa Prize from the Spanish Ministry of Culture for Literatura Femenina, ¿Un lenguaje prestado?
  • 1980 - Prudenci Bertrana Prize for Una primavera per a Domenico Guarini