Carme Solé Vendrell

Carme Solé Vendrell

Barcelona, 1944

Carme Solé published her first book in 1968 and has since illustrated more than seven hundred albums and textbooks. Her book Jon's Moon has been translated into several languages and places her among the world's top illustrators. Her work has been published in many countries, including the UK, France, Italy, Germany, the US, Canada, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Brazil, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea, In 1981 she contributed to the cartoon series Víctor & María, made by the King Rollo Films production company.  She has won numerous awards, such as the 1979 Janusz Korczak, 1979 Premio Nacional de Ilustración, 1984 Catalònia, 1992 Critici in Erba, 1992 Octogone la Fonte, 2006 Creu de Sant Jordi and 2013 Nacional de Ilustración prizes. She is also involved in the fields of poster design, animation, scenography, dramaturgy and theatre direction. Since 1992, she has combined her work as an illustrator with painting, an area of activity where special mention should be made of her collections Niños del mar and Niños de la guerra. In 2004, she was commissioned by Barcelona City Council to paint a mural for peace for the Forum of Cultures held that same year, which she titled “Ibtihal”.


Mitama is now the main character of these three stories in which she encounters a kind moon, supportive dolphins, and the terrible eruption of a volcano. But, in reality, Mitama i la cançó del mar is a book that comes from afar, a work that speaks of a woman seeking answers to be at peace with the girl she once was, who shaped her life, her career, and her work.

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Books for children and young readers

Carme Solé Vendrell, the talented illustrator, dives into her own childhood to craft this enchanting masterpiece.

After losing her mother at an early age, the author, driven by her desire for healing, created La Lluna d’en Joan (John’s Moon) one of her most well-known stories and a reference point in illustration. Translated into over twenty languages, it brought her international fame. The boy Juan did what she could not, saving his father with the help of the moon. Twenty years later, the author realized it was time for Juan to pass the spotlight to Mitama, the name by which the author used to refer to herself as a child.

Mitama is now the main character of these three stories in which she encounters a kind moon, supportive dolphins, and the terrible eruption of a volcano. But, in reality, Mitama i la cançó del mar is a book that comes from afar, a work that speaks of a woman seeking answers to be at peace with the girl she once was, who shaped her life, her career, and her work.

Premio Fundación Cuatrogatos 2021, en la categoría "Para los que se atreven con libros retadores".

«Un relato digno de Dickens; un nuevo clásico, un libro duro y entrañable destinado a perdurar.»  Diego Jaramillo

Este relato proviene del libro Memoria por correspondencia, volumen que recoge veintitrés cartas que escribió Emma Reyes, pintora y escritora colombiana, a su amigo y confidente el escritor Germán Arciniegas a lo largo de varios años y en las que cuenta sus primeros recuerdos de infancia.

La historia, narrada desde los ojos de la niña Emma Reyes, se remonta al día en que ella, con la ayuda de su amigo «el Piojo» y otros niños de la calle, crearon con sus propias manos al General Rebollo.

La artista colombiana revela así uno de sus recuerdos más lejanos, cuando era una niña huérfana, que vive en medio de la miseria en la Bogotá de los años veinte, pero lo hace con pinceladas de brillante lucidez, con palabras que trasmiten la frescura y la ingenuidad de un juego infantil.

El trabajo de ilustración de Carme Solé Vendrell es sublime y conmovedor, capaz de envolver al lector en cada escena hasta casi mancharlo de barro. Un libro en el que el trazo espontáneo y la riqueza técnica realzan la expresividad de ese personaje colectivo que tan bien retrata su pintura: la infancia más vulnerable.

Texto de Dídac Bautista Torguet.

Iliana was a little girl who enjoyed being with her mother, just like you. But one day, everything changed... Discover what happened to Iliana and what special gift the wind brought her! A story full of poetry and friendship.


Text by Antonia Rodenas.

Texto de Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar.

Texto de Antonia Rodenas.

Texto Miquel Martí i Pol.

Text by Bertold Brecht. Illustrations by Carme Solé.

It probably really happened: in Poland in 1939, a desperate exodus of abandoned children in search of a place of peace.

Poles, Germans, Jews, no difference between them. Sisters as mothers, robbers of deserted farms, children as teachers; a first love trying to be born. And with them also a dog that they fed out of pity: together, as one body subjected to the test of war.

With Children's Crusade, Brecht recounts a childhood orphaned of parents, of references, of places, of roads to travel.

A hungry childhood, travelling to build a community based on strong ties, affection, and solidarity. Childhood as the first and main victim of every war.

Texto de María Martínez i Vendrell.

Texto de Pere Calders.

Textos de Antonia Rodenas.

Texto de Antonia Rodenas.

Texto de Carme Solé Vendrell.

Texto de Antonia Rodenas.

Marisa Everley arrives at new school with a secret, but most important is to be accepted by the class clique, a group of friends who obey the whims of the bossy Isobel. Marisa is accused of a crime she did not commit. Only her friendship with the sensible Rachel and her cocker spaniel Dama will help her through the mistreatment and injustices.

Text by Marcy Rudo.

Texto de Miquel Martí i Pol.

Texto de Antonia Rodenas.

Texto de Gabriel García Márquez.

Texto de Gabriel García Márquez.

Texto de Gabriel García Márquez.

Texto de Gabriel García Márquez.

Texto de Gabriel García Márquez.

Texto de Miquel Martí i Pol

Texto de Miquel Martí i Pol.

Text de Ray Sorigué.

Text de Ray Sorigué.

Texto de Ray Sorigué.

Texto de Carme Solé.

Text de Jaume Escalas.

Texto de Carme Solé.

Selección y adaptación de J.M. Rovira Belloso.

"Guinea Hens" is one of the very few children's stories by Mercè Rodoreda. Through an apparent realism and minimal plot, she manages to make the eyes of a child revealing and his sensitivity a catalyst for a universal experience: the discovery of death and cruelty. In this story, Joaquim is struck by the cruelty of life, expressed in the merciless treatment a market vendor gives to some animals she kills and sells, guinea hens.

Mercè Rodoreda knows how to choose and craft, with great sensitivity, a simple and direct language that powerfully conveys the life, speech, and mentality of the common people. Each word has been carefully sought and selected from the popular Catalan of Barcelona, with a taste and correctness that are among the charms of Rodoreda's writing style. Her work was always done with great responsibility and a love for a job well done, which has earned her an important place in our literature. With illustrations by Carme Solé Vendrell

A minimal text album with a poetic tone that dialogues with the illustrations to convey a powerful and necessary message of cooperation, respect for the environment, and anti-war sentiment.

Texto de Maria Aurèlia Capmany.


  • 2024 - Illustration Award for Children Books of Cento, Italy, for The Children's Crusade
  • 2022 - Gold Medal of Merit in the Fine Arts
  • 2013 - National Illustration Award (Spanish Ministry of Culture)
  • 2006 - Creu de Sant Jordi (Generalitat of Catalonia)
  • 1992 - Octogone la Fonte Award
  • 1984 - Critici in Erba Award
  • 1979 - Catalonia Award
  • 1979 - National Illustration Award (Spanish Ministry of Culture)
  • 1979 - Janusz Korczak Award