Cabezamesada, España, 1968
Ricardo Rodríguez studied Law at the University College of Toledo and the Law Faculty of Madrid's Complutense University. He has published poems, essays and opinion pieces in various publications, and taken part in many cultural activities, including tributes to the poets Rafael Alberti, Gabriel Celaya and César Vallejo. In 2003, he published the book of poems Cucharadas de mar, for which he won the Premio de Poesía Villa de Leganés. Since 1986, he has lived between Leganés and Alcorcón.
- "Ricardo Rodríguez has published a magnificent novel, El secreto de Sócrates, a work that helps us understand what is happening to us. The novel tells of searches through characters who are outcasts, who don't fit into this society, and who aim for a bold revolution. They are characters who, in their searches, find the others, who delight us, who take us to the stories of Toole, to the classics, that make us recover thought, philosophy and - so necessary - irony." ENRIQUETA DE LA CRUZ
At first glance, no one would have said that Socrates was a philosopher, but he was. Thus begins the story of a man from our time who longs to be admired by his peers, but panics if people look at him; who seeks, but does not want to find himself; who aspires to do something great, but is unable to overcome a pathological apathy. He comes across Diogenes, an extravagant and impassioned character who suggests that they stage a very special revolution together, one that will amaze the entire city, perhaps a metaphor for the world. Diogenes has a plan, always postponed, that will leave everyone speechless at its audacity.
El escritor reflexiona sobre la libertad humana en La moral del verdugo, una novela dedicada a Pilar Manjón. El libro cuenta los planteamientos morales y éticos de un verdugo, que se ve obligado a ajusticiar a su amigo de la infancia, acusado de terrorismo. La muerte, la víctima y la maldad se encierran en las páginas de La moral del verdugo con la intención de provocar cierto desasosiego en el lector y obligarle a reflexionar sobre la libertad humana.
- 2003, Premio de Poesía Villa de Leganés for Cucharadas de mar.