Permiso para retirarme. Antimemorias III / Permission to retire. Antimemoir III
Biography / Memoirs , 2019
Permiso para retirarme is the literary farewell of Alfredo Bryce Echenique, who announces his retirement from the creative field after more than five decades of delighting his readers and building a lasting literary work.
Composed of five sections, this third volume of the antimemoirs presents us with an uncensored, intimate and reflexive Bryce, who declares his surrendered admiration for Stendhal, a writer whom he considers a symbol of good literature, not only able to build characters and fictional worlds, but, especially, to move.
The discovery of freedom in Paris, in the sixties, after leaving Peru with the purpose of becoming a writer; the figure of the adventurous father, and Proust's mother-in-law and owner of a smooth artistic sensibility, trace in this book the lines that connect Bryce with his past.
Freedom, friendship and loyalty are words of great significance in the work and personality of the author, and in this book they acquire a specific importance. The evocation of experiences, love and a few unusual events, sprinkled with humor, romanticism and nostalgia, trace, on the other hand, a sentimental itinerary in which affection always prevails over ideas.