Alicia Giménez Bartlett
La deuda de Eva. Del pecado de ser feas y el deber de ser hermosas / Eve’s Debt. On the Sin of Being Ugly and the Duty to be Beautiful
Non-fiction , 2002
We all know it: when we’re born, everyone tells us how beautiful we are. However, things change with the passage of time, and we all have to play with the hand genetics has dealt us. For women, the obligation to be beautiful, or to at least try, often becomes an outstanding debt with the world that surrounds and judges us. Many have tried to correct their defects. Others have had the bright idea of taking advantage of their ugliness. This being the case, Alicia Giménez Bartlett offers us a glorious journey through the world of ugly women. She encourages us to try and smile in front of the mirror, and to each settle a debt as old as Eve’s first wrinkles in our own way.