Conversaciones en el tiempo

Conversaciones en el tiempo / Conversations Across Time

Journalistic Work , 2024


Pages: 328

In the early 1970s, Ana María Moix conducted a series of interviews for Tele/eXprés with prominent figures in culture: Gabriel García Márquez, Ana María Matute, Max Aub, Mario Vargas Llosa, Rosa Chacel, Jaime Gil de Biedma, Juan Marsé, Salvador Dalí, Nuria Espert, Pere Gimferrer, Eugenio Trías... More than typical interviews, these were relaxed conversations in which the interviewees shared insights into their creative process, their stance on artistic trends, and the literature of the time. Fifty years later, these conversations are brought back to light. Each character provides their unique perspective on the world during a historic moment in Spain, as one era came to an end and another, eager for modernity and change, appeared on the horizon. A delightful book in which Ana María Moix leaves her mark on each character, accompanied by a small selection of the portraits that Colita captured at the time.