Carme Solé Vendrell

Carme Solé Vendrell

Mitama i la cançó del mar

Mitama i la cançó del mar / Mitama and the Song of the Sea

Books for children and young readers , 2024


Pages: 72

Carme Solé Vendrell, the talented illustrator, dives into her own childhood to craft this enchanting masterpiece.

After losing her mother at an early age, the author, driven by her desire for healing, created La Lluna d’en Joan (John’s Moon) one of her most well-known stories and a reference point in illustration. Translated into over twenty languages, it brought her international fame. The boy Juan did what she could not, saving his father with the help of the moon. Twenty years later, the author realized it was time for Juan to pass the spotlight to Mitama, the name by which the author used to refer to herself as a child.

Mitama is now the main character of these three stories in which she encounters a kind moon, supportive dolphins, and the terrible eruption of a volcano. But, in reality, Mitama i la cançó del mar is a book that comes from afar, a work that speaks of a woman seeking answers to be at peace with the girl she once was, who shaped her life, her career, and her work.