Filo & Sofía 1: El asesino de los ositos de peluche / The Teddy Bear Killer (as told by Rinus Descartes)
Books for children and young readers , 2020
Pages: 196
Filo&Sofia is an agency of young detectives who solve mysteries with a revolutionary method: using philosophical thought.
Rinus is going through a rough time after his parents' death, when he is taken in by his horrid aunt. Luckily, he is soon invited to go live at an orphanage where free thought and a love of philosophy are the order of the day! There he makes new friends: Charlie Marx, Freddy Nietszche, and Confucius Jr.
Cuca Canals, with her Filo&Sofia collection, reveals how philosophy is not only necessary, but can also be exciting. Focusing on ways of reasoning that come naturally to children, the author shows how similar they are in many ways to philosophical thought. Both children and philosophers go through life posing questions without presumptions or prejudices, and with a certain degree of innocence. Rinus Descartes, Fredy Nietzsche, the young Confucius, Dave Hume, Charles Marx and Socrates Jr are a group of children from 10-12 years that have in common being orphans and great thinkers. Despite their age, they have a philosophical vision of life. They are young people gifted with an extraordinary curiosity, who question everything and seek answers that sometimes are new questions.
“Delightful. A really enjoyable way of learning. I highly recommend these books because they teach children to think.” Pablo d’Ors