Guillermo Fesser
Anizeto Calzeta. El misterio de los fantasmas solitarios
Books for children and young readers , 2011
Santillana/Alfagura Infantil
The most hilarious detective in children’s literature.
Anizeto Calzeta is the cheapest detective in the world. He only charges five Euros to solve his latest case: the mysterious presence of ghosts at Grandma Tiburcia’s house. During his investigation, he is helped by a girl known as Wheels (who is in a wheelchair, and fed up with people only noticing that she can’t walk, rather than seeing the many things that she can do). Anizeto spends what little money he earns buying cat food at Dr. Latón’s shop. The detective doesn’t actually own a cat, but he goes to the shop every day because he’s secretly in love with the lady doctor. This is only one of the secrets kept in this unusual book full of surprises, enigmas, games, recipes and challenges, in which the reader actively participates in a unique adventure.