Fantasía roja

Fantasía roja / Red Fantasy

Non-fiction , 2006


Pages: 144

A sharp and intelligent review of the vision many European and American intellectuals have about Fidel Castro's government. 

What do Jean-Paul Sartre and Oliver Stone, Régis Debray and Sydney Pollack, the musician Ry Cooder, who introduced Buena Vista Social Club, and the film director Richard Lester, who directed the Beatles, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli and Max Aub, Graham Greene and David Byrne have in common? 

In addition to being, each in their own way and condition, recognized intellectual icons of the Western left, these illustrious figures have shared their passion for the Cuban Revolution. To uncover the deep or trivial causes of this passion is the aim of Red Fantasy, a personal essay written with both conceptual depth and a sense of humour.

From philosophy to music, novels to film, fire and ruin, tourism and dilapidated Cadillacs, theory and street life, this study delves into the mysteries of this fantasy and proposes a debate on what could be expected from a renewed left for the 21st century.