Trilogía Play III: Live
Books for children and young readers , 2014
Random House Mondadori
The last book in the trilogy that started with Play and Show: Aarón and Leo find their way professionally and meet the loves of their lives
After their American adventure, the Serafin brothers resume their artistic careers in Spain. Aarón is a successful musician besieged by fans and paparazzi, while Leo tries his hand at acting with little success. In the end, life away from Develstar is not as easy as they expected. Ícaro saves the day: their American friend proposes a journey through Europe with all expenses paid and no questions asked. All the brothers have to do is find a travelling companion and think big.
This marks the beginning of a road trip full of improvised music and conversations, in which secrets and confessions will seal friendships and awaken new and old loves.