Belleza sin ley
Non-fiction , 2013
Ed. Galaxia Gutenberg
In Lawless Beauty, Juan Goytisolo offers a series of enlightening essays on works and authors comprising what he calls the leafy tree of literature. Schmidt, Broch, Bulgákov, Gógol, Biely and Diderot are some of the authors that Juan Goytisolo rediscovers in this book. "Every time we reread a book, as we ascend to the zenith of life and later descend from it, we discover what we were unable to see in our previous reading. If the time elapsed is half a century, the difference between what we've read and reread is proportionally greater. What the book once said to the young man I was is of no interest to the seasoned old reader. Our self has changed, which is why we are reading a new book."