Nadie desaparece del todo

Nadie desaparece del todo

Short stories and novellas , 2014

Ed. Galaxia Gutenberg

With only two books of stories, Lázaro Covadlo has become a cult author within his genre, praised by writers as disparate as Quim Monzó, Marcos Giralt Torre n te, Ignacio Martínez de Pisón, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Juan Bonilla, Gustavo Martín Garzo and Javier García Sánchez.

His stories, which are overflowing with humour, literary references and craftsmanship, explore the lives of eccentric people whose behaviour borders on the criminal, prisoners of their own hallucinations who seem to have emerged directly from a dream. 

Covadlo examines them in extreme situations with a clear, cold, impassive prose, as if a rational lens were applied to the abysses of the absurd. This edition features a selection of his best stories (including the widely celebrated Nadie desaparece del todo) and four not previously included in a book, in which Covadlo continues to explore human beings in extreme situations and play games with literary tradition.