Ahí fuera

Ahí fuera / Out There

Non-fiction , 2018


Pages: 432

The best stories by Lorenzo Silva about the most terrible truths of our world.

"I have always believed that stories are there, waiting for someone to tell them. The eagerness to seek them out, find them, and finally put them into writing is common among writers and journalists. That eagerness has led me from literature to journalism, where a few generous and kind professionals have allowed me to perpetrate the chronicles collected in this book."

With these words, Lorenzo Silva introduces us to what will be a long journey into the depths of evil and crime. A book that gathers his best narrations about the often terrible events that shape our time.

This volume contains a wide selection of journalistic reports published by the author over the past years in various media outlets. First, it brings together several pieces of a criminal nature with others that do not strictly have this character, but that do participate in some way in the atmosphere of investigation. In a second part, it compiles his work around the armed conflicts in which the West, and particularly Spain, has been involved since 2001, along with other texts that evoke the wars of the past century. Finally, it includes interviews with several characters of varied but undeniably interesting backgrounds, including Robe Iniesta, the soul of Extremoduro, or Emmanuel Carrère: a poet and a narrator who help us interpret this dislocated world in which we live, and that these pages aim to explore.