La llamada de la tribu

La llamada de la tribu / The Call of the Tribe

Non-fiction , 2018


Pages: 320

The intellectual autobiography of Nobel Laureate Mario Vargas Llosa.

 “From its origins, the liberal doctrine has represented the most advanced forms of democratic culture, and what has most defended us from the inextinguishable ‘call of the tribe’. This book hopes to make a modest contribution to that indispensable task.”

The difference between La llamada de la tribu and other books, such as A Fish in the Water, is that this time the focus is not on the author’s experiences, but on the readings that shaped the way he thinks and has viewed the world over the past fifty years. The Peruvian Nobel Laureate has mapped out the liberal thinkers who helped him develop a new body of ideas after the great ideological traumas of disenchantment with the Cuban Revolution and alienation from the ideas of Jean-Paul Sartre, the author who most inspired Vargas Llosa in his youth. Adam Smith, José Ortega y Gasset, Friedrich Hayek, Karl Popper, Raymond Aron, Isaiah Berlin and Jean-François Revel helped the author enormously during those uneasy years. They showed him another school of thought that placed the individual before the tribe, nation, class or party, and defended freedom of expression as a fundamental value for the exercise of democracy.

Reseña, La llamada de la tribu, por Bernabé Sarabia, El Cultural, 2 de marzo 2018

'Vargas Llosa y sus siete maestros', por Juan Cruz, El País, 20 febrero 2018

'Entre la libertad y el liberalismo', por Juan Luis Cebrián, Babelia, 5 de marzo 2018

Mario Vargas Llosa presenta La llamada de la tribu, Casa América, Madrid, 28 feb 2018 (vídeo)

«Il revient donc à Mario Vargas Llosa, qui est un des meilleurs auteurs de la littérature mondiale, d’avoir donné une grande leçon d’économie libérale aux milieux politiques et économiques actuellement confrontés à la sortie de la crise pandémique.» La Revue de Sciences de Gestion