Alzheimer. Envejecimiento y demencia (con Ana Malagelada)

Alzheimer. Envejecimiento y demencia (con Ana Malagelada) / Alzheimer’s: Aging and Dementia

Non-fiction , 2017


Pages: 190

Alzheimer’s disease is not only suffered by the patient, but also their closest family members.

Alzheimer’s is undoubtedly one of the most terrible diseases faced by humankind. It’s terrible for the person suffering from it, and terrible for their family members. This extremely useful book is the result of decades of work and contact with patients. Rather than a recipe book full of medical advice, it’s a top-notch practical guide to tackling the challenges facing the patient’s family. It’s also a very useful tool for family doctors, pharmacists and nurses.

Is memory loss an unequivocal sign of Alzheimer’s? What are the earliest signs of the disease? How can we recognise and interpret the first warning signs? How will the disease progress, and how will it affect the family? What can we do to improve the patient’s quality of life, and that of the caregivers?

Entrevista a Ana Malagelada, El, 31/07/2017