Tus pies toco en la sombra y otros poemas inéditos / I Touch Your Feet in the Shade and Other Unpublished Poems
Poetry , 2014
Seix Barral
Twenty-one poems on love and other subjects, of extraordinary quality, that were not included in published works and now see the light. The enormous relevance of this unpublished work lies in the fact that the poems belong to the period from the early 1950s until shortly before the poet’s death in 1973. They were therefore written later than Canto general (1950), in Pablo Neruda’s mature years.
“No Western hemisphere poet of our century can sustain a full comparison to him.” –Harold Bloom
Illustrated Book
Biography / Memoirs
Pablo Neruda: cartas y poemas a Albertina Rosa Azócar
Pablo Neruda: cartas y poemas a Albertina Rosa Azócar, 1985