Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill

Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill

Poesía completa

Poesía completa / Complete Poetry

Poetry , 2016


Pages: 480

All of Fogwill’s poetry together in one volume for the first time, including a prologue by Arturo Carrera and an unpublished book, Gente muy fea (Very Ugly People).

If his stories and novels dissected Argentina’s stereotypical middle class, Fogwill’s poetry offers a space of greater serenity and introspection that has accompanied him since adolescence and culminated in the publication of his own books of poetry. In the meantime, Fogwill founded the Tierra Baldía publishing company, which introduced significant authors such as Osvaldo Lamborhini and Néstor Perlongher.

This volume brings all of Fogwill’s poetic works together for the first time, and also includes the unpublished book Gente muy fea. The book’s title seems to distil, once and for all, the crushing force of Fogwill’s writing. Impious but serene, brilliant but thoughtful, this book consolidates Fogwill as the greatest trafficker of knowledge into literature.