Cuentos verdaderos

Cuentos verdaderos / True Tales

Journalistic Work , 2024


Pages: 336

The massacre of the Atocha lawyers, the attempted coup, the eve of the exodus in Riaño, the pope's tour of Spain, Miguel Ríos' highly successful Rock and Ríos tour, the trial for the disappearance of Nani, the ravages of drugs, those of terrorism... In the 1980s, Spain experienced an exciting era: the Transition. As this book shows, the years of the greatest collective attempt at democratization and modernization of the country were turbulent, kaleidoscopic, full of violence and hope at the same time.

Cuentos verdaderos (True Tales) brings together the chronicles and reports that Rosa Montero, one of the most important voices in journalism and literature of recent decades, published in El País during the period 1978-1988. Written mostly with the techniques of the best fiction and with the urgency to tell the news already in the past, they are read today as if they were stories. It is literature breaking through impetuously.