El dia que va morir Marilyn

El dia que va morir Marilyn / The Day Marilyn Died

Novel , 1969

Edicions 62

Pages: 432

Published in 1969, El día que murió Marylin was considered by critics to be a great revelation and an invaluable generational manifesto, and it received the Serra d'Or Critics' Prize. It narrates the life in Barcelona of two boys who were twenty years old in 1962 and, like in an altarpiece, their childhood and adolescent memories – the cinema, comics, religious education – unfold alongside their parents' memories of Barcelona in the 1930s and the Civil War. 

“A strikingly personal perspective; a sensitivity combined with a traditional and deeply human view of post-war Barcelona, and a brave reflection on the gay condition that makes him a pioneer of the subject in Spain.” Sergio Vila-Sanjuán, La Vanguardia

“Read today, the book is brutal, modern, daring, exciting, excessive, and romantic.” Sergi Pàmies