New Titles

A Rilke, variaciones

Rafael Cadenas
A Rilke, variaciones / To Rilke, Variations

Anthology / Selection, Galaxia Gutenberg (March 2024)

In this anthology the Venezuelan poet Rafael Cadenas describes the hesitant manner in which he initially approached the work of Rainer Maria Rilke, the absolute protagonist of this book, which is simultaneously a tribute, critical reading, and testimony of an elective – and spiritual – affinity that has endured for decades. Cadenas' writing, always intense and austere, is sharpened even further in the poems that articulate this moving and powerful dialogue with the author of Elegías de Duino, one of the central poets of the 20th century.

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Conversaciones en el tiempo

Ana María Moix
Conversaciones en el tiempo / Conversations Across Time

Journalistic Work, Amarillo (March 2024)

In the early 1970s, Ana María Moix conducted a series of interviews for Tele/eXprés with prominent figures in culture: Gabriel García Márquez, Ana María Matute, Max Aub, Mario Vargas Llosa, Rosa Chacel, Jaime Gil de Biedma, Juan Marsé, Salvador Dalí, Nuria Espert, Pere Gimferrer, Eugenio Trías...

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Poesía completa

Ana María Moix
Poesía completa / Poetry

Poetry, Lumen (March 2024)

An unjustly neglected poet, now rescued from obscurity in an expanded and revised edition.

Ana María Moix was the only woman included in the celebrated anthology Nueve novísimos, published in 1970, which signposted a new aesthetic in Spanish poetry and cleared the way for a group of poets who were just embarking on a brilliant career. For some reason Ana María Moix's poetry was sidelined and forgotten by the general public, who better remember her as the great story-teller that she was, as well as for her articles in her press, mostly devoted to literature. 

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En agosto nos vemos

Gabriel García Márquez
En agosto nos vemos / Until August

Novel, Random House (March 2024)

A treasure: Gabriel García Márquez’s unpublished novel. An irresistible story of fleeting, tangled love that recaptures the coveted pleasure of reading the best Gabo.

Almost ten years after the death of Gabriel García Márquez, the publication of his posthumous novel, En agosto nos vemos, promises to be one of the year’s literary highlights.

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Història d'un piano

Ramon Gener
Història d'un piano / The Story of a Piano

Novel, Columna (March 2024)

2024 Ramon Llull Prize for Catalan Literature. Guided by the masterful baton of Ramon Gener, a novel that moves through twentieth-century Europe with the emotional rhythm of a delicate score.

Carved inside a Grotrian-Steinweg piano, serial number 31887, a music lover discovers the names of the instrument's previous owners, which he has just purchased in a store in the Gracia neighbourhood of Barcelona. Determined to find out everything about its history, he embarks on a journey that takes him back a hundred years.

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Mai és una paraula molt lletja

Maria Climent
Mai és una paraula molt lletja / Nunca es una palabra muy fea

Non-fiction, Ara Llibres (February 2024)

Ésta es la historia real de infertilidad de Maria Climent. Un relato crudo, sobrio y conmovedor escrito a corazón abierto y con la voluntad de hacer visible una realidad que se vive de puertas adentro.

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El zapatero que remendaba corazones

Silvia Arazi
El zapatero que remendaba corazones / The shoemaker who mended hearts

Books for children and young readers, Planeta (February 2024)

Petrus is a grumpy, greedy and cruel cobbler, but he knows how to mend wounded hearts. He doesn't like children, laments or listening to love's sorrows. Until one day Asia, a little girl with big black eyes, enters through his window and becomes his assistant. One winter day, a snowfall alerts him to the girl's absence and he discovers a heart of his own beating inside her.

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La vida es otra cosa

Lorenzo Silva
La vida es otra cosa / Life is Something Else

Non-fiction, Destino (January 2024)

The gaze of Lorenzo Silva on the most turbulent two years of our recent history, transforming the world as we knew it.

This book concludes a cycle of literary and journalistic observation by Lorenzo Silva on the history of what we have experienced in the new century. Following 'Where One Falls,' which gathers the writer's perspective on the second decade of the 21st century, this volume focuses on the last two years that have marked the beginning of the third decade (spring 2019 - autumn 2021).

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Tres enigmas para la organización

Eduardo Mendoza
Tres enigmas para la organización

Novel, Seix Barral (January 2024)

Vuelve el Mendoza más hilarante con una historia de espías, agentes secretos y pobres diablos, una mezcla irresistible entre Mick Herron y P.G. Wodehouse.

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José Ovejero
Vibración / Vibration

Novel, Galaxia Gutenberg (January 2024)

A young couple with their daughter settle in a village in the interior of Spain that languishes by a reservoir amidst the remnants of its dreams: a dismantled nuclear power plant, unfinished urbanizations, faded advertisements for a leisure city that never came to be. They intend to rebuild their lives there, but the girl is increasingly drawn to the mysteries hidden by the reservoir, while the father tries to understand a strange vibration that seems to connect the past and the present...

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