New Titles

El mundo necesita a Delirium

Rosa Gil
El mundo necesita a Delirium

Novel, Contraluz (April 2022)

Una nueva superheroína sobrevuela la ciudad. Sí, es Delirium, con sus mallas de saldo y sus volares erráticos recorre los tejados de Madrid en busca de su superenemigo: Redpunzel, un villano despiadado de pelirrojo melenón que no parece compadecerse de nadie y demuestra especial inquina a los museos en general y a las obras maestras de arte en particular.

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El cielo sobre Canfranc

Rosario Raro
El cielo sobre Canfranc / The Sky over Canfranc

Novel, Planeta (April 2022)

Rosario Raro revisits the world of her bestseller, Volver a Canfranc, in this unforgettable story of love in times of war.

1944. Valentina and Franz fall passionately and impossibly in love. She is a young woman from Canfranc who collaborates with the Allies across the frontier in the Pyrenees. He is a German paratrooper. 

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La mirada quieta (de Pérez Galdós)

Mario Vargas Llosa
La mirada quieta (de Pérez Galdós) / The Quiet Gaze (of Pérez Galdós)

Non-fiction, Alfaguara (April 2022)

Pérez Galdós is an essential author in contemporary Spanish literature. In this essay, written after analyzing his novels, plays, and National Episodes, Mario Vargas Llosa creates a comprehensive, personal, and evocative profile of the Spanish writer. No one but the Peruvian Nobel Prize winner is capable of reading a creator’s work so astutely, so freely, and so passionately.

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A flor de piel

Jordi Montero
A flor de piel

Non-fiction, Plataforma (April 2022)

La importancia del contacto piel con piel, del contacto físico como expresión de emociones y de cómo su base es primordialmente biológica son los temas centrales de este libro. No hacemos más que comportarnos como los animales que somos, expresando nuestros principios más elementales, que tienen una visión física, química en el cerebro, de redes neuronales que ya vamos conociendo bien. Porque si no nos podemos tocar, ¿para qué un cuerpo? ¿Para qué, si nadie te toca, nadie te huele, nadie está tan cerca como para escuchar el latido de tu corazón o ver los cambios de tu piel cuando te da la brisa? 

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Roma soy yo

Santiago Posteguillo
Roma soy yo / I am Rome

Novel, Ediciones B (April 2022)

First instalment of the definitive saga dedicated to the man who changed the course of history: Julius Caesar.

When a senator, the dictator Sulla’s right-hand man, is put on trial on charges of rape, murder and corruption, no one in Rome believes that he will be convicted of even one of his countless crimes. The patricians enjoy total impunity because they control the senate...

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El gran Strómboli

Tito Muñoz
El gran Strómboli

Poetry, Renacimiento (April 2022)

Tito Muñoz rinde homenaje a la magia de la realidad, ese truco de ilusionista que ofrece lo cotidiano a través de su mirada.

«Se advierte al lector que de estos versos se sale con arañazos y moretones. Su uso excesivo puede dejar secuelas». Joan Manuel Serrat

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La Presidenta

Alicia Giménez Bartlett
La Presidenta / The President

Novel, Alfaguara (April 2022)

Alicia Giménez Bartlett gives Petra Delicado a break and begins a new police saga featuring an irresistible pair of investigative sisters.

The day before she has to testify in a corruption trial, the president of the Valencian Community is found dead in a hotel room, apparently due to a heart attack. The authorities fear a scandal if her death is discovered to be not as natural as it seems. So, they decide to put the case in the most inexperienced hands imaginable: those of two women, two police inspectors fresh out of the academy and with no real experience. 

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El peligro de estar cuerda

Rosa Montero
El peligro de estar cuerda / The Danger of Being Sane

Novel, Seix Barral (March 2022)

An unclassifiable hybrid work, a mixture of essay and fiction, along the lines of her successful book La ridícula idea de no volver a verte.

After a lifetime devoted to literature and reflection on her own idiosyncrasies, Rosa Montero embarks on this journey in search of traits shared with other writers. Are writing and madness the two sides of the same coin? 

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El monstre de Santa Helena

Albert Sánchez Piñol
El monstre de Santa Helena / The Monster on Saint Helena

Novel, La Campana (March 2022)

A remote island. A monster. The greatest general in history.

1819. The Marquise Delphine de Sabran and her illustrious lover, the writer François-René de Chateaubriand, visit Napoleon Bonaparte on the island of Saint Helena, where the emperor is living out the last years of his life under English arrest. Delphine, a famous courtesan, longs to meet the greatest man of her time but the emperor is nothing like the idealized hero she expected to meet, and Saint Helena is a rat-infested, grey, ugly island that seems to be deranged by the cursed influence of its famous prisoner.

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Santiago Álvarez
Muerdealmas / Muerdealmas

Novel, AdN (March 2022)

A terrifying cross between The Shining and Straw Dogs.

After a long spell in a psychiatric hospital, Abel returns to the village of his childhood, Muerdealmas. He has decided to start a new life from scratch with his wife and son in the mansion on an uncle found dead in strange circumstances.

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