New Titles

La Presidenta

Alicia Giménez Bartlett
La Presidenta / The President

Novel, Alfaguara (April 2022)

Alicia Giménez Bartlett gives Petra Delicado a break and begins a new police saga featuring an irresistible pair of investigative sisters.

The day before she has to testify in a corruption trial, the president of the Valencian Community is found dead in a hotel room, apparently due to a heart attack. The authorities fear a scandal if her death is discovered to be not as natural as it seems. So, they decide to put the case in the most inexperienced hands imaginable: those of two women, two police inspectors fresh out of the academy and with no real experience. 

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El peligro de estar cuerda

Rosa Montero
El peligro de estar cuerda / The Danger of Being Sane

Novel, Seix Barral (March 2022)

An unclassifiable hybrid work, a mixture of essay and fiction, along the lines of her successful book La ridícula idea de no volver a verte.

After a lifetime devoted to literature and reflection on her own idiosyncrasies, Rosa Montero embarks on this journey in search of traits shared with other writers. Are writing and madness the two sides of the same coin? 

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El monstre de Santa Helena

Albert Sánchez Piñol
El monstre de Santa Helena / The Monster on Saint Helena

Novel, La Campana (March 2022)

A remote island. A monster. The greatest general in history.

1819. The Marquise Delphine de Sabran and her illustrious lover, the writer François-René de Chateaubriand, visit Napoleon Bonaparte on the island of Saint Helena, where the emperor is living out the last years of his life under English arrest. Delphine, a famous courtesan, longs to meet the greatest man of her time but the emperor is nothing like the idealized hero she expected to meet, and Saint Helena is a rat-infested, grey, ugly island that seems to be deranged by the cursed influence of its famous prisoner.

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Santiago Álvarez
Muerdealmas / Muerdealmas

Novel, AdN (March 2022)

A terrifying cross between The Shining and Straw Dogs.

After a long spell in a psychiatric hospital, Abel returns to the village of his childhood, Muerdealmas. He has decided to start a new life from scratch with his wife and son in the mansion on an uncle found dead in strange circumstances.

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El infierno y Texas

Xavier B. Fernández
El infierno y Texas

Novel, Ediciones El Transbordador (March 2022)

El pueblo de Transilvania, en Texas, vive bajo la sombra de la tiranía del Comodoro, un ranchero terrateniente que es algo más y algo peor que un ranchero y un terrateniente. Incluso algo peor que un ser humano. Hasta que llega un oscuro jinete: Valdemar Veracruz, el legendario cazarrecompensas, que ahora es más que un cazarrecompensas.

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La última vez

Guillermo Martínez
La última vez / The Last Time

Novel, Destino (March 2022)

An absorbing literary thriller cloaked in an atmosphere brimming with sensuality.

Merton, a renowned literary critic from Buenos Aires, receives a commission from a prestigious literary agent to travel to Barcelona to read a valuable unpublished manuscript. It is the last novel by an acclaimed author, A, who is seriously ill. His dying wish is that Merton should discover a mystery encoded in his work, a literary key of capital importance for his legacy if it is to be properly understood for posterity.

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Carmen Balcells. Traficante de palabras

Carme Riera
Carmen Balcells. Traficante de palabras

Non-fiction, Debate (March 2022)

La biografía de una mujer rebelde e inconformista que impulsó por su cuenta y riesgo, desde un pequeño despacho barcelonés, la mayor revolución de la literatura en España y Latinoamérica.

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El castillo de Barbazul

Javier Cercas
El castillo de Barbazul / Bluebeard's Castle

Novel, Tusquets (March 2022)

Melchor Marín is back in a race against time to save his daughter.

In the third instalment of this award-winning best-selling series, Melchor Marín, now retired from the police force and living a quiet life as a librarian, has to cope with his most distressing nightmare yet: His teenage daughter, traveling with a friend in Mallorca, stops responding to his messages and vanishes into thin air. 

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Baselga, el médico que quería cambiar el mundo

Josep Corbella
Baselga, el médico que quería cambiar el mundo

Non-fiction, Navona (February 2022)

Josep Baselga has been perhaps the Spanish doctor with the greatest influence and worldwide projection. In this short and impressive book, the journalist Josep Corbella offers us a moving portrait of Baselga, in which the reader discovers a life dedicated to fighting cancer and saving the lives of thousands of people, and also a personality that is both incorruptible and tender.

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Panfleto de Kronborg

Jesús del Campo
Panfleto de Kronborg / Pamphlet of Kronborg

Non-fiction, Acantilado (February 2022)

El castillo de Kronborg, que inspiró a Shakespeare una de las obras cumbres de la literatura universal, es el punto de partida del singular viaje que nos invita a emprender este iluminador libro. A lo largo de sus páginas, la singular voz del narrador conducirá al lector por las sendas que unen pasado y presente de una tradición cultural en crisis, desmantelando así los falsos dogmas que la socavan. 

«A caballo entre libro de viajes y sutil “aleph” histórico, este ensayo original y canalla contiene brillantes claves de nuestro presente y reflexiones del futuro». Andrés Seoane, La Lectura – El Mundo

«Jesús del Campo es una joya por descubrir. Con Panfleto de Kronborg, el autor gijonés nos regala otra de sus delicatessen». Carlos Zanón, Babelia

«El epítome de Jesús del Campo a la historia de la humanidad es una de las lecturas más intensas, breves, amenas y placenteras que se pueden leer en este comienzo de año». Antonio Sánchez Marrón, Medium

«Jesús del Campo ha creado con Panfleto de Kronborg un hermoso himno». Fulgencio Argüelles, El Comercio

«Jesús del Campo recorre espacios y memoria para trazar la geografía de una sociedad que precisa de poesía, de bondad». Ricardo Martínez Llorca, Culturamas

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