New Titles

El último apaga la luz. Obra selecta

Nicanor Parra
El último apaga la luz. Obra selecta

Anthology / Selection, Lumen (October 2017)

Seleccionados por Matías Rivas, los poemas que conforman esta obra selecta están pensados como el legado esencial de Nicanor Parra, una gran puerta de entrada para quienes no conozcan cabalmente la antipoesía y, a la vez, la mejor síntesis para quienes ya la admiran, la estudian o, simplemente, la leen con renovada pasión.

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El último pistolero

Raúl del Pozo
El último pistolero

Journalistic Work, Círculo de Tiza (October 2017)

Raúl del Pozo lleva el periodismo en la sangre y la poesía en el alma. Su pluma incansable abarca todos los recovecos del oficio de periodista. Pero Raúl, además de periodista de raza, mentor y maestro de nuevas generaciones, es un escritor ágil y deslumbrante y eso es lo que hace en El último pistolero: fascinarnos mientras cuenta nada más, y nada menos, que la vida. Es esa vida, con sus milagros y sus miserias, la que transcurre en estas páginas. Pero, eso sí, es la vida de los personajes más inciertos, más ruines o más noticiables. La vida de cada dia del político, del sátiro, de alguna mujer admirada o de un artista fugaz y todos ellos terminan igualados en la ironía o el heroísmo porque nadie como él puede escribir sobre lo divino y lo humano con esa sonoridad musical del lenguaje.

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Teoría de la conspiración

Javier García Sánchez
Teoría de la conspiración / Conspiracy Theory

Non-fiction, NAVONA (October 2017)

Was Oswald an agent of the U.S. government intelligence services?

“The plots that converged at Dealey Plaza in Dallas on 22 November 1963, at 12:30 P.M., in just 5.6 seconds (…) appear to be extremely intricate. However, starting long before the events, everything – they called it The Big Event – was under the control of the C.I.A. (…) The Dallas conspiracy was unique, and not only because it was the most famous. It was also the most widely analysed. The aim of my book lies in the exercise of such an analysis: I always knew it was a real challenge to vivisect the most twisted conspiracy ever known.” Javier García Sánchez



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El libro de Aurora

Aurora Bernárdez
El libro de Aurora / Aurora's Book

Biography / Memoirs, Alfaguara (September 2017)

“I think I always had a vocation for darkness and secrecy.” With this sentence, written in a notebook toward the end of her life, Aurora Bernárdez summed up her unique bond with literature. To follow this vocation, which she never betrayed, Bernárdez limited her public appearances to the strictly necessary and kept the exercise of her own creations to herself. El libro de Aurora brings together poems, short stories and notes from a woman who was a brilliant translator, the first reader of Julio Cortázar’s works and his literary executor...

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Juan Goytisolo
Autobiografía / Forbidden Territory and Realms of Strife: The Memoirs of Juan Goytisolo

Biography / Memoirs, GALAXIA GUTENBERG (September 2017)
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De lo extravagante a lo esencial

Llàtzer Moix
De lo extravagante a lo esencial

Non-fiction, Àmbit (September 2017)

De lo extravagante a lo esencial reúne una selección de críticas de arquitectura publicadas por Llàtzer Moix en el diario La Vanguardia a lo largo de un decenio. Concretamente, entre los años 2007 y 2016, marcados por una crisis económica que ha sido determinante en el sector de la construcción. En esta etapa se pasó de los proyectos espectaculares de principios del siglo XXI a un repertorio de edificios que responden con recursos limitados a nuevas inquietudes sociales...

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El rostro del tiempo

Imma Turbau
El rostro del tiempo / The Face of Time

Novel, Navona Ediciones (June 2017)

A story of love and atonement on the Costa Brava.

While walking through the woods, Carlos falls fatefully off a cliff. Badly wounded, he heads for the first house he finds. Carla, the owner, calmly takes him in and dresses his wounds. When he awakes, many hours have passed.

Successful, world-travelling architect Carlos is amazed by Carla as he gets to know her. She’s a painter who owns no phone, television or watch. The conversation between them flows naturally, and after two days they realise they’ve fallen in love. Disconcerted, Carlos decides to return to the hotel where he’s staying, taking with him a book titled The Face of Time.

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Cien años de soledad (Edición ilustrada)

Gabriel García Márquez
Cien años de soledad (Edición ilustrada) / One Hundred Years of Solitude (Illustrated Edition)

Illustrated Book, Literatura Random House (June 2017)

A commemorative edition of a key novel in the history of literature.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the publication of One Hundred Years of Solitude comes an edition containing unpublished illustrations by Chilean artist Luisa Rivera, with a typography created by Gabriel García Márquez’s son, Gonzalo García Barcha.

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En la oscuridad

Antonio Pampliega
En la oscuridad / In the Dark

Biography / Memoirs, Ediciones Península (May 2017)

Ten months kidnapped by Al Qaeda in Syria

In this book, a Spanish journalist tells the first tale of a kidnapping in Syria. Unable to share the anguish of his situation with anyone, Antonio Pampliega spent those months trying to keep his hope alive by writing – and memorising – a diary in which he prays night and day that his colleagues are still alive, and that they will all someday be released.

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Las brumas del miedo

Rafael Ábalos
Las brumas del miedo / The Mists of Fear

Novel, PLAZA & JANÉS (May 2017)

In Leipzig, Germany, the bodies of five naked girls have been found in the middle of the night at the foot of the Battle of Nations monument, under the colossal stone statues known as the Totenwächter, or Guardians of the Dead. Everything points to a ritual murder, the strangest crime veteran State Police Inspector Klaus Bauman has encountered in his career. Meanwhile, Susana Olmos, an Erasmus student from Spain who’s new in town, meets Bruno, a fascinating young professor at the Music Conservatory. Susana is unexpectedly submerged in the most mysterious, unknown circles in Leipzig and Berlin, relating to erotic art and the resurgence of Nazism in Europe.

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