New Titles

Lejos del Tíbet

Teresa Pous
Lejos del Tíbet

Biography / Memoirs, Kairós (October 2018)

Una historia de superación, una lección de vida.

El relato de la vida del lama Thubten Wangchen es fascinante. Desde la huida de su pueblo natal en el Tibet, pasando por la peligrosa travesía por las montañas, su época de mendigo y de niño de la calle en Katmandú, la vida en la escuela para niños tibetanos de la calle, los estudios y la vida espiritual en el monasterio del Dalai Lama en Dharamsala (India), hasta la apertura –por indicación del Dalai Lama– de la Casa del Tibet en Barcelona, donde emprendió su actividad para difundir la cultura tibetana y dar voz al gobierno tibetano en el exilio.

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Santiago Beruete
Verdolatría / Greenolatry

Non-fiction, Turner (October 2018)

A new take on the expression “to live in harmony with nature,” based on another way of understanding our humanity.

Plants can help us understand human contradictions, and inspire us in what Montaigne called “the arduous science of knowing how to live well.”

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A Última Porta Antes da Noite

António Lobo Antunes
A Última Porta Antes da Noite

Novel, Dom Quixote (October 2018)

A journey into the subconscious of five men linked by a criminal pact.

The title A Última Porta Antes da Noite is a reference to the opera Bluebeard’s Castle, by Béla Bartók, and the mystery of the seven doors. Lobo Antunes “opens the doors” into the minds of five characters who’ve planned and committed a crime. 

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Los terneros

Rodrigo Blanco Calderón
Los terneros / Sacrifices

Short stories and novellas, Páginas de Espuma (October 2018)

Rodrigo Blanco Calderón is one of Latin America’s leading young short story writers. After his foray into the novel with the extraordinary and unclassifiable book The Night (Alfaguara, 2016), Rodrigo Blanco is back with seven fascinating stories. This tableau of wonders is inhabited by strange, appealing characters: a taxidermist painter marooned in a hostile society; a blind man who knows his labyrinthine city like the back of his hand; a female motorcyclist who rides naked through the night; a foreigner who learns a language making confessions in Paris churches; and a dying pilot who finds peace listening to a reading of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

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Mi querido asesino en serie

Alicia Giménez Bartlett
Mi querido asesino en serie / My Dear Serial Killer

Novel, Destino (October 2018)

A middle-aged woman is found dead in her own house. This is undoubtedly a murder, but a very special one: the woman has suffered a ferocious attack and her face has been slashed. On her corpse, a spiteful love letter.

Petra Delicado, Fermín Garzón and inspector Roberto Fraile, from the regional police, share the investigation of the case. It will not be the last female victim with identical criminal characteristics. Are the two police forces facing an unusual serial killer? Everything seems to indicate so.

Alicia Giménez Bartlett has come back with a new Petra Delicado case.

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Tres assaigs

Jaume Cabré
Tres assaigs

Non-fiction, Editorial Proa (October 2018)

Cabré's reflections on reading, writing, music and art gathered in a single volume.

Jaume Cabré conceives literature as a search. Throughout the years, this search has been generating doubts in him, testing him and even setting traps for him. From the knowledge of someone who has been giving answers and solutions to the creative process for decades, Cabré has written three testimonial and theoretical texts that are a treasure for any lover of literature and art. They are texts written with the complicity of those who recognize themselves, above all, as a reader, as a listener, as a spectator. 

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El rey recibe

Eduardo Mendoza
El rey recibe / The King Receives

Novel, Seix Barral (September 2018)

The first book in the Three Laws of Motion trilogy, which explores the major developments of the second half of the 20th century.

In the early 1970s, Rufo Batalla lands a badly paid job at the New York Chamber of Commerce. Rufo is a classical music enthusiast and recent graduate in Germanic Languages from the University of Barcelona, plagued by a restless heart not even he can tame.

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El escándalo del siglo

Gabriel García Márquez
El escándalo del siglo / The Scandal of the Century

Journalistic Work, Literatura Random House (September 2018)

Anthology of the journalistic work of Gabriel García MárquezMore than fifty representative texts throughout his career, selected by Cristóbal Pera. With prologue by John Lee Anderson.

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Les dones i els dies

Gabriel Ferrater
Les dones i els dies / Las mujeres y los días

Poetry, Ed. 62 (September 2018)

It is without a doubt one of the most important Catalan poetry books of the second half of the 20th century.

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Todas as crônicas

Clarice Lispector
Todas as crônicas / Complete Chronicles

Non-fiction, Rocco (August 2018)

After the impressive success of Todos os Contos, this definitive edition contains all of this legendary Brazilian author’s chronicles, with over 120 unpublished texts. 

Clarice Lispector's stories for the Jornal do Brasil were written “with a flying pen” between 1967 and 1973. This volume, which includes texts published in other newspapers and magazines, finally gives us a panoramic view.

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